
National Immunization Awareness Month is Right Around the Corner

Family all wearing white smiling for the camera

We are thankful for Kimberly Dobine, of Posh and Popular, for partnering with us and sharing the importance of vaccines. Read her blog here

Is it just me or does it feel like this summer is flying by? I looked up and it was the end of July! Having two children, it can be extremely overwhelming trying to juggle everyone’s needs, activities, and schedules. Now that the end of summer is approaching, I’m trying to do all I can to create memories and special moments for my family before the school year begins! Picnics in the park, summer camp, tennis lessons, zoo visits, the list goes on! We have our last set of trips planned and I’m making all the necessary appointments needed, before we hit the road, to make sure my kindergartener and my infant are ready for the school year ahead.

National Immunization Awareness Month is upon us! NIAM is an annual observance held to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. This August, fewer Michigan children are currently up to date on their routine vaccines because of postponed well-child visits during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as parents just being overwhelmed with the constant day to day it takes to manage a household.  As parents prepare to send their children back to school, it’s more important than ever to highlight the importance of vaccines for common childhood illnesses and diseases, and get kids caught up on vaccines to stay ahead of disease. The goal is to keep our children as healthy as possible and take the necessary precautions to ensure a positive outcome as it pertains to their health this school year.

Now’s the time for parents to call their child’s health care provider and schedule an appointment to get caught up on routine vaccinations, if you haven’t already! It’s important that we do the work to not only keep our children in good health, but to ensure we’re keeping the kids around our children protected from major childhood illnesses.

There is absolutely no controversy around vaccines in the medical community. Doctors and other medical professionals agree: Vaccines are safe and effective at preventing disease and protecting communities from outbreaks.
Vaccinating your child is one of the safest and most effective things you can do to protect them.

Vaccines are safe and effective, and they have played a significant role in preventing the spread of life-threatening diseases in our communities for decades.
It’s normal to have questions—it makes you a good parent!
Make sure you are getting answers from credible sources. Talk to your child’s doctor and explore resources like IVaccinate.org.

The key is educating yourself and asking all the necessary questions during your children’s well visits and physical exams. Aside from that, using the resources around you is also key! ivaccinate.org provides Michigan parents with information and tools based on real medical science and research to help them protect their kids. They’ve been an amazing resource for my family and I, and I’m certain they’d do the same for your family! If you have any questions about the required vaccines your child should have before the school year, ask their pediatrician and remember you have iVaccinate.org as a resource!

Cheers to the last few weeks of summer and preparing for yet another amazing school year ahead!

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You’ve got questions. That’s a good thing.

As parents, determining how best to protect our children can be overwhelming and confusing. We’re here to help.

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About I Vaccinate

I Vaccinate provides information and tools based on real medical science and research to help Michigan parents protect their kids. Support is provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Franny Strong Foundation.

You’ve got questions. That’s a good thing.

As parents, determining how best to protect our children can be overwhelming and confusing. We’re here to help.

©2021 Franny Strong Foundation | All rights reserved

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