
Why should I get my child vaccinated against HPV?

Eighty percent of people will get an HPV infection in their lifetime. About 14 million Americans, including teens, become infected with HPV each year. While most HPV infections will go away on their own, infections that don’t go away can cause cancers of the:

HPV is estimated to cause nearly 35,000 cases of cancer in men and women every year in the U.S. HPV vaccination can prevent more than 32,000 of these cancers from ever developing by preventing the infections that cause those cancers. 

All 11-12 year old boys and girls need two doses of the HPV vaccine to protect against cancers caused by HPV infections.

HPV types that cause most HPV cancers and genital warts have dropped 86 percent among teen girls since the vaccine has been in use. Among vaccinated women, the percentage of cervical precancers caused by the HPV types most often linked to cervical cancer dropped by 40 percent.

CDC: Vaccine for HPV
CDC: Human Papillomavirus


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About I Vaccinate

I Vaccinate provides information and tools based on real medical science and research to help Michigan parents protect their kids. Support is provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Franny Strong Foundation.

You’ve got questions. That’s a good thing.

As parents, determining how best to protect our children can be overwhelming and confusing. We’re here to help.

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